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Global Heritage Press

A Genealogical Sketch of Joseph Brownell of Moulinette, Upper Canada, and Other Related Genealogies

A Genealogical Sketch of Joseph Brownell of Moulinette, Upper Canada, and Other Related Genealogies

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Compiled by Duncan (darby) MacDonald, based on research of James Brownell & The Brownell Research Team

This 456 page book is the result of an exhaustive study of the branches and associated families of Joseph Brownell and his wife Ruth Butts. 

Who was Joseph Brownell?

Joseph Brownell, the paternal head of the first Brownell family to settle in Upper Canada (Ontario) following the American Revolution, was born at Dartmouth, Massachusetts on November 16, 1740 and died at Moulinette, Upper Canada, on March 22, 1822. According to a 1943 unpublished genealogy by William James Brownell of the Brownell family, Joseph Brownell was the son of Joseph Brownell and Leah Lawton. Although the compilers of this book found it difficult to locate evidence in birth and marriage records regarding this father/son relationship between Joseph Brownell and his father, related dates do give fairly concrete evidence to prove this relationship. That evidence in the first few pages.

Joseph Brownell remained loyal to the British Crown and made his way to Upper Canada following the American Revolution, settling in what is now the south eastern region of Ontario.

This book is a must read if you are researching the Brownell family of Upper Canada or Dartmouth, Massachusetts.

Contents include:

  • Dedication by J.K.Brownell "To the descendants of Joseph Brownell and Ruth Butts"
  • Introduction
  • Index to pictures click here to view picture Index
  • The Brownell Story
  • Index of the various "Branches" click here to view 'branches' Index (this Index points to the names of the first projenitors of each branch of the family... individuals within that branch are not indexed)
  • Joseph Brownell Pioneer to Upper Canada
  • Descendant Charts
  • Hand-drawn Charts
  • Index to Descendant Charts click here to view Index to the descendant charts (names with no page number are found ONLY in the 'Hand-drawn charts".

Originally published in 1987, this new edition is identical to the final edition that was printed by Duncan MacDonald. We know that changes were made to the book during its original publishing run. Some of the additions and changes are dated (1990), others are not. The master that we used for this edition includes all changes that were made by MacDonald prior to his passing.

Regarding reprint quality Inc. acquired the publishing rights for MacDonald Research Centre holdings after the passing of its founder and primary transcriber/compiler, Duncan MacDonald. This book has been reprinted as it was prepared by Mr. MacDonald, without further corrections or additions. We reproduced the original work in as good as, or better quality than when originally published. MacDonald created the original manuscripts on a typewriter, an early computer, and by hand, with a later master made on a photocopier. We cleaned up the surviving master as best as was possible without re-keying all of the content. Mr. MacDonald made frequent “informal” updates to his masters, usually by stroking a line though an entry or word, then handwriting the new or changed information into the margin. Those notations remain in this edition as done by McDonald. The result is a book that is useful and complete, but of a print quality that reflects the technology of the time in which it was originally published.

456 Pages
8.5 X 11"
Softcover - coil bound
Originally published by MacDonald Research Centre, Brockville, 1987
This edition Published by MacDonald Research*, Ottawa, 2019
*MacDonald Research is an imprint of Inc.

ISBN 978177240-129-5 (coilbound)

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