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The Voyage of the Naparima

The Voyage of the Naparima

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By James Magnan

Recounts the tale of a family, a young married couple, an uncle and two cousins of the groom, who travel from County Sligo to Dublin Ireland during the Famine to take ship for Canada. Drawn from several sources and embellished by Mangan, the book enthralls the readers with the day-to-day grind of surviving the vicissitudes of watching the village die, watching shipmates die, watching one's bride die. It is a book to help today's readers, especially those of Irish descent, in commemoration of the Great Famine (1845 - 1850) to understand the pathos of a devastated country. 

The story of the Famine ships is a story that must be retold as an important part of both Ireland's and Canada's history. -- Dr. Anne Dooley, Professeur of Celtic Studies at St. Michael's College, University of Toronto, in Book Reviews of the Catholic Register, Toronto, 1982.


154 Pages
6 x 9"
Published by Carraig Books Inc., Ste Foy, 1982 (1987 edition)
ISBN 978-0969080527 (paperback)

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