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Global Heritage Press

Three FRASER Families with roots in St. Andrews West, Cornwall Township, Stormont County, Ontario. Sgt. Donald Fraser, United Empire Loyalist; The Hon. Thomas Fraser, Simon Fraser The Explorer

Three FRASER Families with roots in St. Andrews West, Cornwall Township, Stormont County, Ontario. Sgt. Donald Fraser, United Empire Loyalist; The Hon. Thomas Fraser, Simon Fraser The Explorer

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Compiled by Duncan MacDonald & Pauline Deshaies

This book is a detailed genealogy of three FRASER families with roots in St. Andrews West, Cornwall Township, Stormont County, Ontario. They are the families of Sgt. Donald Fraser, a United Empire Loyalist who settled on Lot 15, 5th Concession in Cornwall Township; The Hon. Thomas Fraser  & Simon Fraser "The Explorer"

Contents include:

  • Introduction
  • The Genealogy of Sgt. Donald Fraser, United Empire Loyalist (of Lot 15, 5th Concession)
  • The Genealogy of the Honorable Thomas Fraser
  • The Genealogy of Simon Fraser "The Explorer"
  • Index Click here to browse complete Index

52 Pages (46 plus front matter)
8.5 X 11"
Printed edition: Coil bound
Digital edition: pdf format
Originally published by MacDonald Research Centre, Brockville, 1995
Original ISBN 0--92113-74-X; Original Title: Fraser : three Fraser families with roots in St. Andrews, West Cornwall Twp., Stomont, Ontario : Sgt. Donald Fraser, United Empire Loyalist, Lot-15, 5th conc., the Hon. Thomas Fraser, Simon Fraser "the explorer"
This reprint published by MacDonald Research*, Milton, 2021
*MacDonald Research is an imprint of Inc.
New ISBNs: 978-1-77240-182-0

NOTE about reprint quality: acquired MacDonald Research Centre after the passing of its founder and primary transcriber/compiler, Duncan MacDonald. We are pleased to make his books available under the new MacDonald Research imprint. Each book has been reprinted as it was prepared by Mr. MacDonald, without corrections or additions. Modern technology helped us reproduce the original work in as-good-as, or better quality as that which was originally published. Much of MacDonald's original work was created on a typewriter. His well-worn "masters" were made on a photocopier. We've cleaned them up as much as possible without re-keying all of the content resulting in books that are useful and complete, but of a print quality that reflects the technology of the time in which they were originally published.

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